Monday, November 16, 2015

Think Before You Post...

On the day that information was released about the terrorist attacks in Paris, the world responded and united in a positive and powerful way.  Social media sites were flooded with #PrayersforParis, depictions of the national flag of France, pictures from trips to the Eiffel Tower and so many other shout-outs to the hurting nation. It was amazing to see the response of unity spread across the world, letting Paris know they were not alone. However, my concern for our social media generation is that we like to show that we are #praying for another country, but are we actually praying and grieving for others? Or are we just jumping on the bandwagon?
One day before this devastating attack on Paris, another 147 individuals lost their lives in an attack in Kenya. However, our generation had no idea. Why? Because the trending topic of the day on Facebook was related to the neckline of a certain Kardashian sister & her date out on the town. I kid you not.  The younger generations tend to be interested in whatever issue is brought to their attention via social media.  In 2012 it was the issue of KONY in Africa, and  in our recent past we had the day the trending hashtag was #lovewins, in response to same-sex marriages becoming legal in the US. Or who can forget the REAL scandal of the color of cups being served at Starbucks. What about children starving every day in our own country? Or those in abusive relationships happening in our own town? The homeless and hungry found in every nation? Those aren't plastered on Facebook, so they simply don't get the same cry of outrage.
If I had to interview people today about what had actually happened in any of the foreign nations relating to our recent events, not many would be able to tell me a straight answer. The problem is, we are a generation searching for a cause. It is like we are simply scrolling through our news feeds looking for the next big (or little) thing to offend us. So we blast our "opinion" from social media - -without fact or relevance to back it up, just to be a member of the group. Blanket statements begin to cover groups of people, because we aren't checking to see what is fact and what is a stereotype. Irrelevant articles are shared out of context to try and prove a point. Without proper knowledge or history of a subject, hundreds of people state their opinion formed by reading one article or by seeing one status -- just to be part of the argument.
As soon as the internet has moved on to the next big thing, the band hitches itself to another wagon. Strong opinions fade just as quickly as they were formed. Never to be mentioned again-- because the world isn't watching and waiting for you to be part of that group. There isn't pressure to be part of a trend. Temporary profile pictures fade, which is fitting, because most of the time interest in that issue is that -- temporary. On to the next thing: What will we choose to be offended by next?
I want to emphasize that social media is a tool that can be used to promote your cause. And I do encourage you to use it for that purpose, but out of passion and not pressure. Find a cause and be part of something bigger than yourself. But do your research and find the facts. Do not let Facebook become the only book you read. Check your sources, relate it to the context, and then become an educated advocate. Search for what breaks your heart by genuinely praying (without the hashtag). Seek for ways to help find the solution without prejudice or bigotry. Choose your battles and really think before you make a statement. I still encourage you to raise your voices -- as long as you don't do it to hear yourself speak. 
Let's stop being the generation of  "rebels" who are looking for a cause to follow on social media and instead let us become the generation of activists that are out there learning, growing, being, serving, respecting, and making our world a better place. As we are loving others, stepping away from our screens and putting aside our arguments, judgmental opinions, selfish nature, and defensiveness we will start to see something else rise to the surface of attention -- #worldpeace. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Event Planning 101

When people think about the title "Event Director", they tend to assume that I get to go to a lot of parties and I live the glamorous life that Hollywood portrays for our profession. What they don't see however, is the work it takes to host a large-scale event. On TV, party planners are out mingling, dressed in their best, while sipping cocktails with their friends. In reality, I am sweating, running around, checking on details and volunteers, forgetting to eat or drink anything, and trying to remain calm. Especially these last few weeks, this Event Director has been busy planning two huge community events, within the span of two week -- and oh yeah, did I mention I'm getting married in 17 days?! So here's a behind the scenes look at what it means to be an Event Planner:

1. To-Do Lists are Your Life -- When you have multiple agendas going at one time, the only way to know which way is up & what has been completed is to map it out step-by-step. Organization is key. I would guarantee all event planners have multiple lists and are driven by the idea of crossing something off of them. I also have invented something called 'sleep listing', because the night before the event I can't sleep thinking of all the things I have to do. I'm mentally going through the motions of items to complete the next day. So I guess to-do lists and under eye concealer are your life -- so you can at least look like you sleep.

2. Invest in Comfortable Shoes -- Although looking cute for all your attendees is ideal, it becomes necessary to have comfortable, cross-country running capable, type of shoes. On event days I am on my feet not-stop for roughly 8-12 hours. Heels are out for sure. May as well add a fanny pack to carry all of the things you need with you throughout the event, because you have to be your own personal attendant that day. Looking like a mall walker may happen -- it's a risk of the job.

3. Your Office is a Mess -- At any time during an event I could have tents, banners, goodie bags, raffle prizes, flags, coolers, lost-and found items, power tools, yard signs, or a variety of other random objects in my office. A great opportunity to play I-Spy or build a fort with all of the boxes.

4. Volunteers are your Best Friends -- Those that show up to work for you out of the pure goodness of their heart (after much begging) are your favorite people on the earth that day. Without them, you would lose what little sanity you have left.

5. Your Co-Coordinators are on Speed-Dial -- During the past two events, I talked to and texted the two other co-coordinators more than some members of my family. It gets to the point where you don't even introduce yourself or attempt any small talk. You just call, and ask your question, assuming they are reading the same email you just receive 3 seconds ago with a new dilemma to solve.

6. Purchase a Large Vehicle -- I drive a Ford Fiesta, which is basically the smallest car that company makes. When needing to move all the supplies and items to the event venue, a larger vehicle is necessary. I've discovered that my car is roughly 43" across -- trying to fit a raffle prize of a big screen TV across town. I've also discovered who owns a pick-up in my friend list. Coincidence? I think not.

7. You Can't Make Everyone Happy -- No matter how well the event goes, or how much you plan before the event, something will go wrong and someone will have something negative to say. You learn to have thick skin and use the criticism to make the next event better. Because with this job, you are always thinking ahead. The moments one event ends, planning for the next begins immediately. Hence, the need for lists.

So, while Samantha from "Sex & the City" makes this job look easy -- it can be challenging and demanding just like any other profession. You could be doing anything from busing tables to doing TV interviews in the midst of a very loud concert. You have to be ready for anything that comes your way, including smelling like essence of the events. Thanks BBQ on the Bricks for the saucy aroma & not so much thanks to Oktoberfest for the perfume de sauerkraut and beer.

Next up, my wedding -- but this time I get a personal assistant. I hope she's ready with her comfortable shoes.

Written by Blair Youngs

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Lazy Girl's Guide to Style

*Alarm goes off*
Me: Hits Snooze button
(repeat x3)
The number of times I hit 'snooze' then correlates to the amount of time & effort I will be able to put into my appearance that day. Today was one of those, "The-hair-is-going-up-because-I-definitely- don't-have-time-to-straighten-or-curl-it" kind of days.

I can't help but feel grateful for the girl who accidentally caused a trend due her "laziness". Whether it is due to lack of sleep, money, interest in fashion or like most of us, the time to dedicate to the Kardashian level of beauty -- these accidents and lazy moments have made a impact on the fashion industry. Let's just highlight a few style trends to which we can be thankful, for those of us that have a slight addiction to the snooze button.

1. Ombre Hair Coloring --
When your hair grows out and suddenly your natural hair color is showing at your roots, you now have the ability to act like it was intentional -- and that you didn't just forget to book your next hair appointment. I MEANT for my hair to be 3 -5 different shades from root to tip, I'm glad you noticed. Thank you Carrie Bradshaw and your days on Sex and the City for spearheading the ombre campaign.

I wish I could have the comfort of a sports bra without the actual sweat, bulky straps, or the need to go to a sporting event. ... And, bandeaus were born.

Dry Shampoo:
We have literally created the ability to go days without washing our hair & the world now says it's okay -- as long as you spray in some dry shampoo. Whoever first pitched that to marketing was definitely a woman who wanted to sleep in.

Top Knots/Messy Buns:
If the dry shampoo just isn't cutting it for your hair, this if your fall back. Just pile all your hair on the top of your head and intentionally have it look like it is falling out. This one actually allows you to leave your hair how it looks when you wake up and pull it off for the day.

Spray Tans:
No need for a vacation. No need for the summer. No need to go outside. You can now be painted to look like you were beaching in Mexico, when you really spent last weekend binge watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

Maxi Skirts:
Although to men it may appear like we have dressed up for the day, maxi skirts are a subtle "lazy" style. They mix the comfort and stretch of sweat pants with the ability to look dressy so you can wear them to the office. Let's face it, if they had seaming in the middle, they would be pajama pants.

And finally the greatest trend of the 21st century...

Yoga Pants:
Functions include -- workout gear, lounge attire, and leggings. If actually doing yoga were a pre-requisite of wearing the pants, the world would either be extremely fit, or the trend would die all together. Modeled by woman of all ages, for now it looks like this trend is here to stay. And the question continues -- How can I make these look dressy enough to qualify as "business casual"?

As I am currently looking in the mirror at my top knot, noticing how my roots have grown out, while wearing yoga pants & a bandeau -- I can't help but think, I am so on trend, I should be on the cover of InStyle. Well, maybe if I get a spray tan first.

Thank you to all the "lazy" girls out there for helping the rest of us survive the fashion industry. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Love Story

It's a pretty typical love story: Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl puts boy in friend-zone for 5 years. Girl realizes her mistake. Boy & girl end up happily ever after. Isn't that how it usually goes? ;)
Jerromy & I met in 2010 during my senior year of high school. During the spring, we both happened to audition for the North Platte Community playhouse's musical production of "Gypsy". Although we were just friends in real life, our characters were in love -- and eloped. (So there is really no need for THIS wedding).
Jerromy and I have been friends since that play. Although we didn't live in the same town until 2014, we were able to stay connected. His deployment took us from friends to pen pals, as we wrote letters across seas. We supported each other through big life events, travel adventures, graduations, loss, and even other relationships. We have been, and always will be, friends. Jerromy, however always knew and hoped we would be more.
Upon his return from deployment, we began to spend more time together in person. Eventually, we even went on our first date to the pumpkin patch during the fall. However, I was still nervous that dating would mean losing a friend if it didn't work out. So I continued to make him wait -- not thinking about what could happen if it all went right.
In the spring of 2014, Jerromy enrolled at UNK -- so for my last semester we were able to spend time together on campus. We even had theater and ballroom dance class together (a little flashback to the very beginning). This is when I started to realize Jerromy was exactly the kind of guy I couldn't lose. He had been right there all along.
So this time, I asked him on another date. Our (second) first date over the summer of 2014. That night he held my hand, and I knew I would hold it forever.
Exactly 9 months later, he asked me to be his wife. And I said, "Yes!"

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Unexpected Life Lessons

1. Lose & Find
Ironically, absence shows us what we really have, giving us the chance to find the value in our possessions. Often it is when we lose something that we take the time to re-evaluate and reminisce; to cherish. It's when things are missing that we really find everything -- perspective. 

2. Give lots of 'presence'.
As you grow older you find that time is the most precious of gifts & you must choose to spend and give it wisely. You will never regret making time for those you love, for your passion, worshiping God, or giving in service to others. It doesn't matter the possessions or money you can give to the world, choose to give lots of presence in those areas and receive joy in return. 

3. Be random. 
Spend a minute, hour, or day selflessly giving to others by performing random acts of kindness. Go out of your way to make someone else smile and I promise you'll find the happiness you're searching for, both for yourself & for others. 
*If you're up for the challenge, I recommend doing one act of kindness for each year of your life, on your next birthday. For those of you over 25, add the digits of your age instead!*

4. Choose inconvenience
Flying across the Atlantic isn't always easy, and driving to a lower income area of town by yourself late at night can be scary. Using your free time to go to a meeting isn't ideal, and walking 2 miles in the heat is not relaxing. But sometimes inconvenient things are the most rewarding. Like, realizing that flight is leading you to teach English to little children, and inside that home on the other side of the tracks is a little girl who wants nothing more than a friend, and not a bully. The meeting you sat through gets you certified to grant wishes to kids with life threatening diseases and you walked to raise money for research to end Alzheimer's. Investing in something bigger than yourself will actually make your heart just that, bigger.

5. Get lost. 
In a great book.  In the story of a stranger. In your imagination. In the eyes of someone you love. Let your sense of adventure wander and it will take you places you never expected. We love to have things planned out for us every step of the way, but it's okay to take the long route, make detours, step outside your comfort zone and explore your surroundings. The only map you need is beating in your chest. 

6. Don't ask. Just believe.
In a world where you can Google literally anything imaginable, it is easy to get caught up in having to know the answers for every little thing. While knowledge is power, there is definitely a higher power available. Trust in Him. Breathe. Take a step of faith. Be confident & you'll do things you never thought possible. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Husband Material: 11 Ways You Know He's "The One"

I've always believed in fairy tales, but in real life it isn't always as easy to find your Prince Charming. You may have to go through a lot of bad guys & maybe even kiss a few toads. But then, you see him (probably minus the white stallion & puffy sleeves) & once you find him, it's easy to know what makes him so special... 

11. He's There to Pick You Up
Literally, he physically picks you up after you have fallen: down the stairs, over your heels, on ice. Wherever the "hypothetical" location, he's the one who rushes to your side to make sure you are okay. If you're sick, he goes to the store to spend his latest paycheck on ice cream, Gatorade, every cold/flu medicine possible, and chocolate. Anything to help you get back on your feet.

10. He Goes Above & Beyond
He will do anything for you. Whether that is reaching things on shelves you cannot reach, killing spiders for you, making you breakfast when he knows you are running late (again), or patiently teaching you how to lift weights, so you don't look quite as pathetic in the gym. He also goes above the ordinary to be a real life Prince Charming. When you can no longer attend the concert you bought tickets for a year in advance, due to torrential rain in the area -- he downloads every Fall Out Boy song ever made (even though he likes about 2 of the songs), drives an hour to your house, gets you to come outside in your pajamas, and blasts your own personal concert through his car speakers so you can dance. Or he writes one reason he loves you every day for two months, when the Army takes him away for training....above & beyond anything you can imagine. 

9. He Keeps You Humble
You are able to tease each other about your mistakes in life. Remember the time you had a meltdown in Walgreens because your lipstick broke open over your brand new coat? And THE WHOLE WORLD was out to get you because LIFE IS NOT FAIR... (again, "hypothetical"). While he was there to listen, he can also bring up the scenario later to help you laugh off tough situations. On a scale of 1-Walgreens meltdown, how upset are you? You can also do the same for him: Like giggling about the time he realized 'Netflix' is a combination of two words... 

8. He's The New Family Favorite
He not only realizes the importance of your family, but wants to make your parents his parents too. He will asks for their permission to marry you and asks your best friends too, because they are a subset of your family -- he knows how they all make you who you are. After that, he will become the new favorite. Signs include: Your mother making treats especially for him, dad approving of him taking care of his little girl, and your friends/ siblings actually wanting to hang out with him for fun. Once he's in the family group text, you know he's here to stay.

7. You Were/Are Friends First
Building your relationship on friendship is really important. Now, I'm not saying you should be like me and keep them in the friend-zone for too long, but friends get to know each other. They like spending time together. They laugh and cry. They are your support through life. We were friends for 5 years -- writing letters through a deployment and several international trips, participating in musicals together, going to classes & studying together, and making surprises for each birthday. He attended my college graduation, cheered me up when I lost loved ones, helped move my furniture, talked me through a stolen car (not hypothetical) and so many other things. Those are the guys who are always there & this one will be forever.

6. You Communicate Without Speaking
You can tell he loves you by the look in his eyes. They way he hugs you. The smile he makes when you do something silly. You could sit in a room and never say a word, because you don't need to. Not that conversation isn't important, it is imperative to a great relationship (Trust me: I'm a communication major). You are just able to read each other like a book -- and thankfully this one doesn't have an end. 

5. He Brags About You 
If I could count the number of times some of his friends/family/co-workers/random strangers said, "Oh, so she's the one you always talk about"I could retire comfortably.He thinks about you often, so in turn those around him hear about you just as much. For me, this sunk in when ALL of the people at a local business knew about me through his job-- when he stopped there he would gush about me to whoever would listen. The entire establishment sent us an engagement card. He tells you and the world how beautiful you are and isn't afraid to be a little vocal. 

4. He Inspires You to Be Your Best
You see the amazing characteristics and abilities he has to offer the world and you think to yourself, "How did I get to be so lucky?" You know that a guy like him deserves a girl at the same caliber, and you want to be better. Not that he thinks you need to be by any means. You just internally want to portray your best self -- because he inspires you to be just that. 

3. You Forget the Past
The moment he held my hand for the first time, I knew this was something completely different than I have ever felt before. The kind of butterflies you experience with him make you forget about any previous relationship -- there is just no comparison. You learn lessons from those relationships and carry them with you, but not once do you think about another guy. Your brain & heart are just too full thinking about your future husband. 

2. You Find Yourself
Some people think that relationships are a 50/50 compromise; each putting in half to make up a whole, but in reality it's a 100/100 arrangement. Neither of you are putting in more than the other, because you both are 100% in love, 100% invested in the relationship, and 100% yourself. A great example is in Runaway Bride, when Julia Roberts has no idea what kind of eggs she likes; she always likes whatever her significant other eats at the time. I did the same thing with the kind of music I listened to -- changing to what he liked best. You cannot be with another, before you can be alone by yourself & be okay with who you are. When he is the one, you don't feel the need to conform to what you think he would want you to like, you can just be yourself. And, he helps you discover who you are. 

1. He Makes You Feel Christ's Love
When you pray about the man you want to marry your whole life and then God places him in your life, your faith will definitely grow. If you are like me, you prayed for the "perfect" man -- wanting an abundance of amazing qualities (hard working, handsome, thoughtful, musical, humble, godly etc.). You don't want to settle for anything less, but deep down, after failed relationships & boys that let you down, you start to think you may never find "the one". But then, one day there he is, your dream boy & God has placed him in your life just for you. So your faith grows. How could the God of the universe take time to create and give me exactly what I have imagined? And you are humbled, every day. Then, knowing how much you love each other as a couple & how much this man loves you -- it is almost impossible to fathom how much Christ loves you infinitely more. I think that true love shows you just how wide, how long & how deep the love of God is for you -- which is exactly the way He designed it to be.

Written for my future husband, Jerromy.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Adulting: Do I Have to Grow Up?

Growing up. When you are a kid, all you can think about is being older. Having more responsibilities and being on your own has this heavenly appeal. With no one to tell you what to do & no curfews to keep you in at night -- what could be so terrible about this adult thing?

As children the number one question people ask you is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" If you're me, that question was easy to answer: a princess, duh. And no one seemed to question it, so neither did I. So I happily went about life. High school graduation came and went. But, when one goes to register for college, one will find that "How to Be a Monarch 101" & A Bachelor of Princessdom is not available. No need to panic yet. Everyone says, 'it doesn't matter what your major is, just get a degree'. Okay, can do. Now to graduate and get a job. This life stuff is a piece of cake.

And you eat your cake naively until about senior year. At this point, you've had 3 years of taking classes, making friends, being involved in organizations on campus & now college seems like your home away from home. You've put in countless hours to get to the glorious idea of being done with finals and term papers. However, that means you have to have a job. And sadly, those don't just fall into your lap as a prize for graduating as one would expect. Thus, second semester of your last year of college is upon you and still, despite all the career fairs you've gone to, the applications you have put in, the interviews you felt confident about -- there are no job offers on the table. And if that is stressful enough, EVERYONE has to ask you what your life plan is for the future every time you leave your dorm room. So, naturally Netflix and your couch become your new best friend. They understand --and they don't ask questions. 

But, reality is always knocking at your door. So you are constantly torn between "If, it's meant to be, it will be" and "If you want something, go get it."  Everyday brings more uncertainty & you have googled "how to be a student forever". No answers. You've heard 'everything will work out' and 'there is a plan' and 'patience is a virtue' -- because those around you that seem to have everything together offer such cliche advice. And you can't really blame them, honestly all of those things are true & comforting. Alright, with these mantras in tow, 'I can do it!'  Until the next rejection... The worst part of the whole process is not knowing -- what to do, where to look, and how it will turn out. It's as our favorite character from Gilmore Girls so memorably said:

 "...It's just like I'm standing on this cliff looking out into this huge, foggy abyss... and, in my whole life, there's never been an abyss. It's been abyssless. I've always known exactly what is in front of me, and I've always know exactly where I'm going, and now--I don't know what's out there."  

Never has a statement been so true. You look out and there is an endless fog settled over your future. Depressing. Sometimes hard to breathe. Full of wonder & potential adventure. So, blindly we stumble forward hoping to wander into something, anything. You have a vague sense of where you want to go, but this path seems to have no foreseeable end. Graduation day looms in with the fog & is over in the blink of an eye. You take the diploma; your flimsy defense against the cloudiness. 

Unfortunately, I don't know how to win this battle. And in fact I think it's more of an on-going process than a one time storm. There will be times when the fog lightens to a mist, and other points it feels pitch black. 

You may not land your dream job right away or you may find that your dream job is more of a nightmare. There will be breakups & breakthroughs. It's scary to think life may not go as you plan. But maybe that is the whole point-- to learn along the way. When you can't see ahead and you don't want to look back; look up for guidance, and also look next to you. Because you're not alone. We all are trying to navigate this fog -- the messy transition into being who we were meant to be. 

And so the great paradox of life comes full circle. We are now adults who dream of staying a kid forever; when we were once children dreaming of being older -- blissfully unaware of the wrinkles, taxes, insurance claims, & 8 to 5 days that come with the title. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Valentine's Day 101

Valentine's season is upon us. So how do you know what to get your significant other in the vast sea of pink & red heart shaped things, that are drizzled in chocolate and tied together with cutesy sayings? My suggestion is to actually avoid the rows that are exploding of above items and follow the advice below.

For the Men...

1. Put Down the Red Roses
Last year 257 million red roses were sold on Feb. 14th.  However, realistically, few women would list red roses as their favorite flower. Instead, take the time to figure out what flowers are her favorite. Buying red roses makes her a statistic in the millions, but giving something unique to her personality will make her feel like the only one in the world. 

2. Price Doesn't Matter
So what do you get her? Candy? Stuffed animals? Jewelry? Flowers? A card? The choices can be overwhelming & daunting. Many boys can be seen exiting the stores having purchased everything in the Valentine's row, just to make sure they covered all the bases. Guys, you don't have to purchase all the above. Sometimes small gestures that are personalized to your girl can mean the most. Make something homemade, plan the perfect date, cook or clean or craft... time is the biggest investment for this day.

3. Listen. 
Basically every piece of advice I can offer is to really think about her favorite things. The only way you will know what she really likes or wants is to LISTEN to her. If you listen and she really wants that 5ft tall stuffed teddy bear and a dozen red roses, then go ahead! I have nothing against those things -- if the girl truly enjoys them.
PS: This piece of advice can really solve a variety of relationship problems so keep this one on file. 

4. Ask for Help
I give you permission to talk to her best friends. If you need help, or want to surprise her, they are the ones you will want to seek. Let them consult her Pinterest boards so you don't have to. Don't stress; help is out there. AND when they tell your woman how you went to them to help with surprise, she will be gushing about how cute you are. Bonus for you. 

And for the girls...

5. It Isn't a Competition
Put down the camera. Step away from the Instagram & Facebook. Posting a picture of everything received that day with the creative caption of "He's the Best", does not make it any more special. Love is individual to every couple. It's not a day to show off gifts and try to outdo others in your life. How about avoid social media all together and spend time with that guy you think is so wonderful. 

For both...

6.Valentine's Day is about Love. 
Even though the holiday has been over-commercialized, the center of the holiday is to show love to the people in your life. So above all other advice do just that. Show love to "the one" and everyone. And let that continue the other 364 days of the year too. It doesn't take Cupid for people to love & be loved. ❤️

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Re-evaulate the "friend-zone"

Let's face it girls, we all have one. Both a friend zone, and the friends we put into it who treat us better than all the guys we've dated or liked, combined. Yet, we go around complaining that fairy tales aren't real life & Prince Charming is MIA. But here's the thing, the sweet, caring, gentlemen are the ones in that zone. They open the doors for us & we shut it right in their face. 

Instead, we tend to fall for guys that play hard to get & wonder why they are hard to keep. Or the ones who say all the right things, but then can't walk the walk. The players we think will want to surrender the game when they meet us. Or the guys who are more into themselves than anyone else. 

But here's the kicker: Boys that think they have nothing to lose will confidently hit on you, and as girls, we think, oh my gosh he noticed me, this is THE one. But ladies, it shouldn't be they have "nothing to lose". You are everything. And they shouldn't want to lose you....
Which is exactly what the guys in your friend zone have realized, and they are willing to wait years just for that reason. They don't want to let you go in any capacity, so they settle with just being your friend in order to stay in your life. 

The crazy thing is, that most successful marriages stem from being friends first. And yet, we overlook our friends in hopes of some love-at-first-sight experience with a "perfect" stranger. But the guys that get to know you, spend quality time with you, and make you laugh are the ones you need. So look at your friend-zone. 

He's probably there waiting patiently for you to see what's right in front of you.

And to boys that are stuck in that zone: It is possible to move your way from friend to Mr. Right. Trust me, the one I fell for waited 5 years... Urban legends do come true.